+44 (0) 1494 328 500 info@irrigation-engineers.co.uk

Response to COVID-19.

We are indeed living in unprecedented and challenging times, and our thoughts are with all those who have been affected by Covid-19.
Irrigation Engineers Ltd would like to reassure our clients and co-consultants that they will continue to receive the same level of care and service without disruptions throughout the current pandemic. Our engineers are adept at working and collaborating remotely and have done so for years. Our tools and systems have been developed over many years, so working remotely is nothing new to us as we do it every day. We will continue to offer our normal services during these challenging times. Be assured we will do everything in our power to ensure we do not let our clients or the wider project teams down.
Our Arundel office shall be partially closed with employees working from home unless travel is absolutely necessary. While our Marlow office shall remain open, we have initiated a general “isolation” policy in line with the Government guidelines to ensure the safety of the employees and families of Irrigation Engineers Ltd. In light of this, all meetings will now be virtual. We do have audio/video/screen sharing capabilities in place where we can attend or host meetings with multiple virtual participants. Our phone system remains operational as do our other usual channels.
We wish all of our clients, associates, co-consultants and their families the very best and trust that we will work supportively and collaboratively to get through this difficult time.